E.A. Orlova. The anthropological foundations of scientific knowledge
A.V. Kostin, A.Ya. Flier. Ternary functional model of culture (continued)
N.A. Khrenov. Russian culture at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries: the Gnostic "Renaissance" in the context of symbolism (continued)
V.M. Rozin. Some features of modern art
V.I. Ionesov. Memory of things in images and plots of cultural introspection
A.Ya. Flier. Social and organizational functions of culture
M.I. Kozyakova. The Ancient cosmos and its evolution: ritual, spectacle, entertainment
N.A. Malshina. The post-non-classical paradigm in the study of the Russian cultural industry: A new type of rationality and value system
N.A. Khrenov. A Century later: the tragic experience of Soviet Culture (continued)
Announcement of the next issue
Khrenov Nikolai Andreevich,
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,
the Gerasimov Russian State
University of Cinematography
e-mail: nihrenov@mail.ru
Abstract. The article is devoted to the 100th anniversary of the book "Sunset of Europe" by O. Spengler. Much attention is paid to the origins of Spengler's theories and the connections of his theories with the views of the Russian thinker N. Y. Danilevsky. Much attention is devoted to the importance of Spengler's book in modern Russia and its connections with the modern political ideology of Russia.
Keyword. "Decline of Europe", nationalism, Eurocentrism, civilization, theory of history, modern science of culture.
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[6] Merezhkovsky D. L. Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. Eternal companion. Moscow: Republic, 1995. P. 68.
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[29] Ibid. P. 174.
[30] Oswald Spengler and the Decline of Europe. Moscow: Bereg, 1922.
[31] Asmus V. Edict. Op. 34.
[32] Starostin B. Decree. Op. 50.
[33] Averintsev S. "Morphology of culture" by Oswald Spengler / / Questions of literature. 1968. No. 1. P. 132.
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[35] Spengler O. Prussianism and socialism. Academia. Petersburg, 1922. P. 5.
[36] Tsimbursky V. Decree. Op. C. 139.
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[41 [Ibid. P. 460.
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[46] Tsimbursky V. Decree. Op. P. 483.
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[49] Starostin B. Decree. Op. P. 57.
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[51] Ibid. P. 257.
[52] Spengler O. The Decline Of Europe. Essays on the morphology of world history. Vol. Gestalt and reality. Moscow: Mysl', 1998. P. 145.
[53] Ibid.
[54] Dostoevsky F. Full. Coll. works: In 30 vols. Vol. 27. L.: Nauka, 1982. P. 33.
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[56] Ibid.
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[58] Fundamentals of Eurasianism. M.: Archea center, 2002. P. 482.

ISSN 2311-3723
OOO «Soglasie» publisher
Scientific Association of Culture Researchers
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