Orlova Elna Alexandrovna,
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,
Director of Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
State Academy of Slavic Culture
e-mail: elna.orlova@mail.ru
Components of Modern Sociology of Culture
Abstract. The article is dedicated to the current state of sociology of culture at its initial stage of development and includes theoretical background, subject area, objects of study, as well as unsolved problems specific to this field of sociological research.
Key words. Culture, macrosociology, microsociology, sociocultural dynamics, social reality, sociology of culture, structuralism, structural functionalism, phenomenology.
[1] Hannerz U. The World in Creolisation // Africa. 1987. № 57. P. 549-555.
[2] Schudson V. Culture and the Integration оf National Societies // D. Crane (ed.). The Sociology of Culture. Oxford, UK and Cambridge, USA: Blackwell. 1994. P. 42-43.
[3] Kellner D. Television and the Crisis of Democracy. Boulder, CO: Westview. 1990.
[4] Shweder R.A. Thinking through Culture: Expeditions in Cultural Psychology. Cambridge, M: Harvard University Press. 1991. P. 156.
[5] Douglas M. Introduction to Grid/Group Analysis // M. Douglas (ed.). Essays in the Sociology of Perception. L.: Routledge. 1982. P. 1-8. P. 1.
[6] Heritage J. Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. 1984. P.76.
[7] Schneider D. Notes Toward a Theory of Culture // K. Basso and H. Selby (eds.). Meaning in Anthropology. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.1976. P. 202-203.
[8] See also: R.D’Andrade. Cultural Meaning Systems // R.A. Shweder and R.A. Levine (eds.). Culture Theory: Essays on Mind, Self, and Emotion. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 1984. P. 89-119.
[9] Munch R. Rational choice theory: a critical assessment of its explanatory power // J.S. Coltman and T.J. Fararo (eds.). Rational Choice Theory: Advocacy and Critique. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. 1992 P. 137-160. P. 157.
[10] Swidler A. Culture in Action: Symbols and Strategies // American Sociological Review. 1986. № 51. P.273-286. P. 279.
[11] Swidler A. Op. cit. P. 273.
[12] Ibid.
[13] Ibid. P. 276.
[14] The Russian version uses the term «culturesociological».
[15] Tuchman G. Mass Media Institutions // N. Smelser (ed.). Handbook of Sociology. Newbury Park: Sage. 1988. P. 601-626.
[16] Alexander J. The Meanings of Social Life: a Cultural Sociology. N.Y.: Oxford University Press. 2006. P. 6-7.
[17] Kravtchenko S.A. Sociological Theorization, Thinking, Imagination. [e-resource] URL: www.isprras.ru/pics/File/postmodem/Kravchenko.pdf.
[18] Crane D. Introduction: the Challenge of the Sociology of Culture to Sociology as a Discipline // D. Crane (ed.). The Sociology of Culture. Oxford, UK and Cambridge, USA: Blackwell. 1994. P. 3.
[19] Swidler A. Culture in Action: Symbols and Strategies. American Sociological Review. 1986. № 51. P. 273-86.
[20] Crane D. Op. cit.
[21] Denzin N.K. Symbolic Interactionism and Cultural Studies. Cambridge, MA/Oxford: Blackwell. 1992. P. 120.
[22] Fiske J. British Cultural Studies and Television // Allen R.C. (ed.) Channels of Discourse. London: Routledge. 1989. P. 254-289.
ISSN 2311-3723
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