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Hypotheses: THE THEORY OF CULTURE E.A. Orlova. The anthropological foundations of scientific knowledge
Discussions: IN SEARCH OF THE MEANING OF HISTORY AND CULTURE (A.Ya. Flier's section) A.V. Kostin, A.Ya. Flier. Ternary functional model of culture (continued) V.M. Rozin. Some features of modern art V.I. Ionesov. Memory of things in images and plots of cultural introspection
Analytics: CULTURAL REFLECTIONS A.Ya. Flier. Social and organizational functions of culture M.I. Kozyakova. The Ancient cosmos and its evolution: ritual, spectacle, entertainment N.A. Khrenov. A Century later: the tragic experience of Soviet Culture (continued) Announcement of the next issue
Goryainova Оlga Ivanovna, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor Chair of Culturology Moscow Pedagogical State University e-mail: Culture vs Post-Culture: Traditional Values and Modern Culture Abstract. The present article is concerned with the problem of human identity transformation in the modern and postmodern culture. Types of secular culture based on principles of rationality and creativity are considered in it. Transformations of these concepts concerned with cultural evolution in the postmodern period are analyzed. The author demonstrates that the concept of freedom plays a leading role in cultural process. The role of virtual culture in the postmodern period and factors which make individuals immerse themselves in cyberspace are analyzed. The author makes a conclusion that the crisis of culture is connected with the attempt to eliminate the human being as an active participant of cultural activity. Key words. Culture, culturology, postmodernism, post-culture, human being as an active participant of cultural activity, rationality, creativity, freedom, virtual culture
[1] Flier А.Y. Sciences Dealing With Culture After Postmodernism // Flier А. Culturology 20-11 Moscow: Soglasiye, 2011. С. 13-25; Shapinskaya E.N. Culturological Discourse After Postmodernism // Observatory of Culture. 2010. № 6.
ISSN 2311-3723
Publisher: Official registration № ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 56414 от 11.12.2013 The magazine is indexed: Issued quarterly in electronic form only
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