E.A. Orlova. The anthropological foundations of scientific knowledge
A.V. Kostin, A.Ya. Flier. Ternary functional model of culture (continued)
N.A. Khrenov. Russian culture at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries: the Gnostic "Renaissance" in the context of symbolism (continued)
V.M. Rozin. Some features of modern art
V.I. Ionesov. Memory of things in images and plots of cultural introspection
A.Ya. Flier. Social and organizational functions of culture
M.I. Kozyakova. The Ancient cosmos and its evolution: ritual, spectacle, entertainment
N.A. Malshina. The post-non-classical paradigm in the study of the Russian cultural industry: A new type of rationality and value system
N.A. Khrenov. A Century later: the tragic experience of Soviet Culture (continued)
Announcement of the next issue
Shapinskaya Ekaterina Nikolaevna,
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,
Russian State University of Physical Education,
Sport, Youth and Tourism.
e-mail: reenash@mail.ru
Image, Reality and Reinterpretation: an Analysis of Literary and Screen Texts
Abstract. The article touches upon a relationship between reality and different forms of its representation in cultural texts. The author focuses on representation, which dominates in modern media culture, its being the environment for mastering reality in (post)modern culture. Representation analysis of various sociocultural phenomena, related to literary and screen texts of (post)modern culture, shows that it is a construct far from being mimetic, built up in accordance with the representation policy dominating in a certain sociocultural situation. At the same time these representations determine the modern individual’s perception of reality, his having grown and been brought up in a totally mediatized culture.
Keywords. Representation, reality, mediatization, cultural text, screen art, literature, narrative.
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[7] Hutcheon L. Op. cit. P. 6.
[8] Eagleton T. Op. cit. P. 88.
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[10] Ibid.
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[15] Sukovataya V.А. Op. cit., p. 49.
[16] New Audiovisual Technologies. М.: URSS, 2005. P. 309.
[17] Harvey D. Op. cit., p. 49.
[18] Fiske J. British Cultural Studies // Channels of Discourse. Chapelhill, 1987. Р. 268.
[19] Sukovataya V.А. Op. cit., p. 47.
[20] Eagleton T. Op. cit., p. 145.
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[22] Khrenov.N.А. Cinema: a Rehabilitation of Archetypic Reality. М.: Аgraf, 2006. P. 112.
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[24] Graham G. Op. cit., p. 125.
[25] Ibid.
[26] Ibid., p. 128.
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[28] Lynch D. Catching the Big Fish. Meditation, Consciousness and Creativity. М.: Eksmo, 2009. P. 23.
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[30] Deleuze G. Cinema. М.: Ad Marginem, 2004. P. 473.
[31] Ibid., p. 374.
[32] Ibid.
[33] Ibid., p. 479.
[34] Lynch D. Op. cit., p. 25.
[35] Deleuze G. Op. cit., p. 553.
[36] Ibid., p. 465.
[37] Razlogov К.E. The Screen Art: from Cinematograph to Internet. М.: ROSSPEN, 2010. P. 19.
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[39] Ibid., p. 89.
[40] Ibid., p. 92.
[41] Ibid., p.. 234.
[42] Ibid.
[43] Khrenov.N.А. Op. cit., p. 426.
[44] Deleuze G. Op. cit., p. 505.
[45] Razlogov К.E. Op. cit., p. 141.
[46] Ibid., p. 148.
[47] Melvil A.Yu. The Image of Other, the Image of Enemy //50/50. The New Thinking Dictionary. М.: Progress, 1989. P. 25.
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[49] Adorno T. Cultural Industry Reconsidered // Culture and Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. Р. 279.
ISSN 2311-3723
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Scientific Association of Culture Researchers
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