Scientific peer-reviewed electronic periodical |
Hypotheses: THE THEORY OF CULTURE E.A. Orlova. The anthropological foundations of scientific knowledge
Discussions: IN SEARCH OF THE MEANING OF HISTORY AND CULTURE (A.Ya. Flier's section) A.V. Kostin, A.Ya. Flier. Ternary functional model of culture (continued) V.M. Rozin. Some features of modern art V.I. Ionesov. Memory of things in images and plots of cultural introspection
Analytics: CULTURAL REFLECTIONS A.Ya. Flier. Social and organizational functions of culture M.I. Kozyakova. The Ancient cosmos and its evolution: ritual, spectacle, entertainment N.A. Khrenov. A Century later: the tragic experience of Soviet Culture (continued) Announcement of the next issue
Drobysheva Elena Eduardovna,
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,
St. Petersburg State University of Economics
On the Value of Cultural & Philosophical Discourse
Abstract: As a "child project" of philosophy, axiology offers a view of the world in the dimension of values. However philosophy itself can be considered in axiological discourse. It’s the author’s opinion that, in terms of current culture procedures of “compulsion to metaphysics” are needed, that is possible through empowerment of cultural philosophical paradigm, especially in the educational space.
Key words: cultural philosophical paradigm; axiology; educational environment of contemporary culture.
[1] Spengler O. The Decline of the West. Vol. 1. Gestalt and Reality. M.: Thought, 1993. P. 178-179.
[2] As known, the dispute was between the three higher faculties and proper the faculty of philisophy. In traditional university faculties of medicine, theology and law were referred to as higher faculties. The faculty of philosophical grew out of a preparatory or "artistic" faculty, which taught so-called seven liberal arts: first trivium - grammar, rhetoric, dialectic, then quadrivium - arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music.
[3] Kant I. The Conflict of the Faculties. [Electronic resource]. URL: k/kan/t_6_311.htm
[4] Op. Cit. Bosse H. Der geschaerfte Befehl zum Selbstdenken. Ein Erlass des Ministers v. Fuerst an die preussischen Universitaeten im Mai 1770 // F. A. Kittler/M. Schneider/S. Weber (Hrsg.), Diskursanalysen 2. Institution Universitaet, Opladen, 1990. S. 31-62.
[5] Why Does Modern Man Need Philosophy? // Man Without Borders [Electronic resource]. URL:
[6] Selivanov V. Culture as a Chance to Rescue Mankind from Certain Doom // Materials of the round table "The Philosophy of Culture and Cultural Studies: Challenges and Responses". Days of Philosophy in Petersburg. 2005. St. Petersburg.: St. Petersburg State University Press, 2006. P. 316-319.
[7] Mezhuev V.M. The idea of Culture. Essays in the Philosophy of Culture. M.: Progress-Tradition, 2006. P. 17.
[8] See: Drobysheva E.E. A Typology of Values and Learning of Contemporary Social Processes in Russian Philosophy // Materials of the international scientific conference "Sociohumanitarian situation in Russia in the light of the globalization process." M.: October 2-4, 2008. M.: MSU Press, 2008. P. 125-128.
[9] See: Drobysheva E.E. Enforcement to metaphysics // Man as the Creator and a Creation of Culture: Collected articles. St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg State University Press, 2009. P. 122-130.
[10] Dugin A. The new Program of Philosophy // Man. 2004. № 1. P. 99-102.
[11] Mezhuev V.M. Ibidem. P. 24
[12] Kondakov I.V. Self-Consciousness of Culture at Millennium // Social Sciences and Nowadays. 2001. № 4. Pp. 138-148.
[13] Plato. The State // Plato. Collected. Works. In 4 vols. Vol 3. M.: Thought, 1994. P. 252.
[14] Spengler O. Ibidem. P. 176.
[15] Svasyan K. Oswald Spengler and His Requiem for the West // O. Spengler. The Decline of the West. Vol. 1. Gestalt and Reality. M.: Thought, 1993. P. 638.
[16] Kant I. Ibidem.
ISSN 2311-3723
Publisher: Official registration № ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 56414 от 11.12.2013 The magazine is indexed: Issued quarterly in electronic form only
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