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Hypotheses: THE THEORY OF CULTURE E.A. Orlova. The anthropological foundations of scientific knowledge
Discussions: IN SEARCH OF THE MEANING OF HISTORY AND CULTURE (A.Ya. Flier's section) A.V. Kostin, A.Ya. Flier. Ternary functional model of culture (continued) V.M. Rozin. Some features of modern art V.I. Ionesov. Memory of things in images and plots of cultural introspection
Analytics: CULTURAL REFLECTIONS A.Ya. Flier. Social and organizational functions of culture M.I. Kozyakova. The Ancient cosmos and its evolution: ritual, spectacle, entertainment N.A. Khrenov. A Century later: the tragic experience of Soviet Culture (continued) Announcement of the next issue
Rozin Vadim Markovich,
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Leading Research Worker, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences e-mail: Golubkova Ludmila Georgievna, Head Department of Organization and Legal Support of Public Service, Institute of Public Administration, Law and Innovative Technologies e-mail:
Paradoxes of Nowadays or Deficit as a Form of Power
Abstract: The article discusses the most relevant form of contemporary deficit – the lack of time for intellectual work. The study analyses the question why under similar conditions Europe has no such deficit of opportunities for mental labor. Therefore the experience of the European Middle Ages is considered, how the principles of cultural compromise were formed at struggle against the popes and emperors. Keywords: culture, computerization, communication, deficit of time, compromise, mediation. [1] Alekseeva T.A. Power // New Encyclopedia of Philosophy. In 4 vols. Vol.1. M.: Thought, 2000, P. 418. [2] M. Foucault. The Will to Truth. On the Other Side of Knowledge, Power and Sexuality. M.: Qastal, 1996, P. 192. [3] M. Foucault. Ibidem. P. 367 [4] M. Foucault. Ibidem. P. 197. [5] URL: [6] Rhizome is a philosophical concept developed by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. It is what Deleuze calls an "image of thought", based on the botanical rhizome, that apprehends multiplicities. Deleuze and Guattari use the terms "rhizome" and "rhizomatic" to describe theory and research that allows for multiple, non-hierarchical entry and exit points in data representation and interpretation. Deleuze and Guattari outline the concept of the rhizome as follows: (1) principles of connection and heterogeneity, (2) principle of multiplicity, (3) principle of asignifying rupture, etc. Deleuze and Guattari use the terms "rhizome" and "rhizomatic" to describe theory and research that allows for multiple, non-hierarchical entry and exit points in data representation and interpretation. They oppose it to an arborescent conception of knowledge, which works with dualist categories and binary choices. A rhizome works with planar and trans-species connections, while an arborescent model works with vertical and linear connections. Their use of the "orchid and the wasp" is taken from the biological concept of mutualism, in which two different species interact together to form a multiplicity. Hybridation or Horizontal gene transfer would also be good illustrations. URL: [7] Berman H.J. The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition. M.: Infa.M - Norma, 1998. P. 96. [8] Berman H.J. Ibidem. [9] Berman H.J. Ibidem. P.100. [10] Berman H.J. Ibidem. P.102. [11] Berman H.J. Ibidem. P.102-103. [12] Berman H.J. Ibidem. P. 264-265. [13] Berman H.J. Ibidem. P. 104. [14] Berman H.J. Ibidem. P. 203. [15] Berman H.J. Ibidem. P. 208. [16] Berman H.J. Ibidem. P. 122. [17] Heidegger M. The Question of Technique // Heidegger M.: Being and Time. M.: Respublica, 1993, P. 235.
ISSN 2311-3723
Publisher: Official registration № ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 56414 от 11.12.2013 The magazine is indexed: Issued quarterly in electronic form only
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