Scientific peer-reviewed electronic periodical |
Hypotheses: THE THEORY OF CULTURE E.A. Orlova. The anthropological foundations of scientific knowledge
Discussions: IN SEARCH OF THE MEANING OF HISTORY AND CULTURE (A.Ya. Flier's section) A.V. Kostin, A.Ya. Flier. Ternary functional model of culture (continued) V.M. Rozin. Some features of modern art V.I. Ionesov. Memory of things in images and plots of cultural introspection
Analytics: CULTURAL REFLECTIONS A.Ya. Flier. Social and organizational functions of culture M.I. Kozyakova. The Ancient cosmos and its evolution: ritual, spectacle, entertainment N.A. Khrenov. A Century later: the tragic experience of Soviet Culture (continued) Announcement of the next issue
Shapinskaya Ekaterina Nikolaevna,
EXISTENTIAL OTHER: Abstract. In the article, the author continues to develop the theme of the Other, which she addressed in her study of gender and ethnic "friendliness". In the case of the existential Other, alienation from society is not socially or culturally conditioned, but is related to the characteristics of the individual who finds no place in society. It can be expressed both in creative achievements, and in opposition to all environment accepting destructive forms. On the example of literature and cinema shows the universalism of the existential Other, which appears in different historical and cultural contexts in the form of different representations.
Keyword. Existential other, reflection, personality, culture, society, representation, cultural text
[1] See: Shapinskaya E. N. The image of the Other in the texts of culture. M.: URSS, 2012. 216 p.
ISSN 2311-3723
Publisher: Official registration № ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 56414 от 11.12.2013 The magazine is indexed: Issued quarterly in electronic form only
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